Medical Students

Medical Sudents

Claire Berry consulting provides:

Personalised MMI and panel interview training for entry into all Australian Medical, Dentistry and Physiotherapy courses.

For the last eleven years, we are proud to have assisted students gain entry into every Australian medical school. Our clients achieved medical school and physiotherapy placements in every Australian University including Bond, Melbourne, Macquarie, Monash, Deakin, Adelaide, University of NSW, UWS, JMP, Flinders, Notre Dame, University of Wollongong and JCU.

In 2022, 100% of our clients were offered a place in medical school or internship.

In 2020 and 2021, many of our clients were offered multiple places at different medical schools.

Our clients come back for their intern interviews and then for then SET / Advanced training interviews because they know that won’t sound like everyone else and will get unique insight and experience.

View testimonials from past clients here.

“The feedback regarding Claire’s training over the last few years has been consistently outstanding. At this level, she is the expert.”

Melbourne and Monash University Medical interview training sessions:

This year a limited number of personal one on one customised sessions tailored to each individual will be offered.  They provide knowledge, confidence and skills to excel in the highly competitive medical interviews. Places are limited and are dedicated to individual universities and include personalised preparation, a mock interview with individual feedback on answers, and strategies on how to be successful.

Book now. 

Other Universities:

One hour personalised review and two hours of intense interview training online for interstate clients.


* Training is conducted on weekends and week nights.


Why Choose Us?

We have trained members of University selection panels for their own careers.

We offer comprehensive training programs for Year 12 students, undergraduates and graduates undertaking the MMI and panel interviews.

These are not conducted in large groups, are dedicated to a University and give individual feedback to participants.

This program is led by Claire Berry, a trained medical interview coach and not a medical student or Generalist HR professionals.

Thank you for your help with my interview training, it really boosted my confidence going into the interviews and helped me get a place at a medical school that is strongly competitive for interstate applicants to get into. Student, Flinders University

“This is an amazing service to offer your child.” Parent, Charles Sturt

“It’s all your hard work and the excellent program that you conduct for your students that got him the places. I highly recommend this to every keen and deserving student.” Parent, Monash

View testimonials from past clients here.

Our expert team provides quality and up-to-date programs and we pride ourselves on giving every one of our client’s individual attention and advice. Don’t learn from generic question lists, we will train you to develop unique answers that demonstrate your experience and knowledge of all types of scenario and ethical situations.

Be Prepared!

Be Confident. Get a Place.

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